Bel Ange

Hybrid Tea , L. Lens , 1962

Een tijdloze theehybride met grote, elegante edelgevomde bloemen, dieproze, met een lichte geur van de theerozen. Forse en bloeirijke struik. Goed herblooeiend.

  • Colour: Pink
  • Scent: Licht geurend
  • Repeat flowering: ( June - October)
  • Height: 100 - 125 cm
  • Plant habit: Ascending
  • Flower: Double , Large , 12 cm
    • Snijbloem
    • Standplaats:  Sun (>4h)
    • Plantafstand:  45cm  cm of  4.0 planten /m 2
    • Vorstbestendigd:  tot -15°C

    Groups of large flowers spring from strong branches. They bloom through summer and repeatedly flower until the first frost. The contrast of colors draws the eye.The flower buds are dark red, the bloom is deep pink with lighter salmon-pink on the inner side of the petals.The double, high centered flowers are lightly scented.Exceptionally healthy plant. Height 120 cm.Gold Medal Kortrijk 1965

    Groups of large flowers spring from strong branches. They bloom through summer and repeatedly flower until the first frost. The contrast of colors draws the eye.The flower buds are dark red, the bloom is deep pink with lighter salmon-pink on the inner side of the petals.The double, high centered flowers are lightly scented.Exceptionally healthy plant. Height 120 cm.Gold Medal Kortrijk 1965

    • Snijbloem
    • Standplaats:  Sun (>4h)
    • Plantafstand:  45cm  cm of  4.0 planten /m 2
    • Vorstbestendigd:  tot -15°C
    • Kortrijk (1,965): Gouden Medaille
    Kortrijk1,965Gouden Medaille

    Alternative plants:

    Baron Jo de Dorlodot®
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    Hybrid Tea 
    Height: 80 - 100cm
    Lens Roses , 2023
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    Dainty Bess
    Fragrance: Fragrant
    Hybrid Tea 
    Height: 90 - 100cm
    Archer , 1925
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    Day Dream
    Fragrance: Fragrant
    Hybrid Tea 
    Height: 80 - 120cm
    Armstrong , 1969
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    Fragrance: Licht geurend
    Hybrid Tea 
    Height: 80 - 100cm
    Sold out
    Kordes Rosen , 1994
    Repeat flowering
    Fragrance: Licht geurend
    Hybrid Tea 
    Height: 80 - 100cm
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    L. Lens , 1984
    Repeat flowering
    Ma Normandie®
    Gräfin Bettina
    Fragrance: Fragrant
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    Height: 80 - 100cm
    Delbard , 2007
    Repeat flowering
    Queen Elizabeth
    Fragrance: Licht geurend
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    Height: 125 - 150cm
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    Lammerts , 1954
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    Fragrance: Licht geurend
    Hybrid Tea 
    Height: 100 - 120cm
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    Tantau , 2009
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    Fragrance: Zeer geurend
    Hybrid Tea 
    Height: 100 - 125cm
    Lindquist , 1954
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    Triomphe du Luxembourg
    Fragrance: Fragrant
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    Height: 100 - 120cm
    Hardy , 1835
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