Pruning tips for optimal growth and flowering
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Guide for Healthy and Roses with lots of Flowers

Why do we prune?
To ensure an elegant shape and abundant flowering, pruning is essential for roses. Through the pruning process, the plants become more vigorous, rejuvenated, and we promote a longer lifespan with more flowers.
Some basics
- Removing dead and diseased branches.
- Creating space in the heart of the plant by removing inward-growing branches.
- Pruning abrasive and crossing shoots.
- Removing parallel branches that are too close to each other.
These basic rules ensure that the plant not only looks better but also maintains its shape and structure.
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When to prune?
The ideal pruning time for reblooming varieties is March, just before the buds begin to swell and the coldest winter temperatures have passed. Once-blooming varieties are pruned immediately after flowering, usually in July, as they bloom on older wood.
Roses have eyes?
Eyes are young growth buds in leaf axils, which are no more than pinheads in winter. They contain the potential for new shoots in spring.
How and with what tools?
Use a sturdy, sharp pruning shear to cut smoothly and without ragged edges. Always cut a small centimeter above an outward-facing eye so that new shoots develop outward and the heart of the plant remains open.

Just planted bare roots
For roses planted between November and April with bare roots, pruning is best done in March or April. Prune to 3 to 4 or 5 eyes above the ground, above an outward-facing eye, for a beautifully branched plant from the beginning.
Pruning of Bedding Roses: Hybrid Teas and Floribundas
For a neat appearance in winter, hybrid teas and floribunda roses are pruned to 50-60 cm after the leaves have fallen. In spring, heavier branches are pruned back to 3 to 5 eyes above the ground.
Miniatures are pruned in the same way as hybrid teas and floribundas, retaining 4 to 6 branches.
Specifics per type:
- Standard roses are pruned in the same way as bedding roses but slightly longer.
- Weeping roses require the removal of old branches and the retention of young shoots.
- Shrub roses can be pruned back to 2/3 or 1/2 after applying basic rules.
- For climbing roses, maintain 5 to 7 main branches and prune lateral branches to 4 to 5 eyes for a fan-shaped growth.
Pruning off faded flowers
Removing faded flowers from repeat-flowering varieties is essential to stimulate reblooming. Cut the flowers above the first true leaf axil where a bud is located, encouraging new shoots to develop.
For varieties that produce ornamental hips, we do not do this to enjoy the colorful fruits in autumn.
With this guide in hand, you are ready to prune your roses for a beautiful, healthy garden!